To provide a psychologically informed space focused on creative health as a means to wellness and connection.

At Relic we believe that each person has intrinsic value. We value inclusion, respect, curiosity and openness. We aim to protect the sanctuary of our space so that each person feels a sense of safety. We see the importance of intentional process, experiential learning, play, and experimentation which we continue to promote in our studio offerings. We hold space for creative thinking, symbolism, and existential exploration in everything we have curated. 

Jennifer Gardner


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Diversity & inclusion

At Relic, we are committed to fostering an inclusive environment where diversity is encouraged and every individual is valued. We strive to create equitable opportunities for all and ensure that our practices and policies reflect our dedication to respect, fairness, and inclusivity. By embracing a wide range of perspectives and experiences, we aim to enhance our community and promote positive change.

Our studio facilitators are all trauma informed & psychologically oriented to the unique work in our space

Whether it's an art class, meditation group, book club, music workshop, or educational, each facilitator understands that members are coming in with a story and that story will show up in their work somewhere in the space. We work to create a real sense of safety in the space so that each person has the freedom to come as they are. 


We are always looking for artists, teachers, vendors and community organizations to partner with. If you like what we are doing and want to bring your vision or ideas to the space then reach out!